Saturday, February 21, 2009

Call of duty world at war

Call of Duty World at War is the new game from the CoD series. From treyarch and activision. It uses Infinite Ward engine. The game goes back to World War 2. The campaign is about 6-10 hours long (depending on what difficulty you use.) It's not your average world war 2 fps because this time Americans arent fighting Nazi's the Russians are. But the Americans are in the far east fighting the Japanese. It takes place in the last year or so in the war. Most of the characters arent as relatable as they were in Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare. For half the campaign you will be playing as an American Marine. And the other half you will be playing as a Russian Sniper. Your Russian Captain Reznov is very likable. The game has very epic and intense battles. The game is actually alot more dark and edgey than Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare. With alot more swearing blood and gore and of course shooting. If you shoot certain body parts its possible for them to come off. They use the "F" word in every other sentance. The multiplayer online is great but not as good as call of duty 4 Modern Warfare's multiplayer in the beginning. The guns are very well balanced. The annoying perks are still there like juggernaut and martyrdom. But the ones that you know and love like deep inpact and stopping power are still there. Although the game has tanks and they are VERY over powered its just a miner flaw. The levels in multiplayer can go up to 65 and prestige is still there. Overall the multiplayer is fantastic. After you complete the campaign you will unlock a mini game Nazi Zombies. Even though its really addicting it loses its novelty over time. This game is an excellent addition to the Call of Duty library. It gets a 9.5 out of 10.
By Ross ssa and Written by Jon 52096

Saturday, January 31, 2009


These are the games i got for Christmas
Call of duty world at war
Prince of Persia
Fable 2
Cod 4
Gears of war 2
pirates of the caribian

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


so im sorta kinda into action rpgs, yeah zeldas cool and i will pop in oblivian from time to time but thats relly it for me but recently i have been thinking about fable, so i decided all get the sequel fable 2, so i bought the origanal trough xbox origanals on the 360 marketplace and let me tell you its one damn fine game, if your into action rpg's and you own a 360 get this game, sure the humer is extremly corny and the early missions are cheese such as kill wasps... fun. but its a great game cant wait to get the sequel.

Saturday, November 8, 2008


its now being made by sega... its going to suck now :(

Favorite/greatest game console ever (my opinion)

My Favorite/greatest game console ever would be the play station 2 because it shaped me into the gamer i am today, i remember playing jak and daxter and simpson road rage on that fateful Christmas 2002, i was amazed by the graphics especialy since the fact that the best graphics i had seen quake and unreal tournement when my dad played and i wacthed. il had seen and played were mario, zelda donkey kong country ports and other classic gameboy and gameboy coler games, the controller was so crazy to me but it felt so right in my hand, about six years later it broke and got a slim silver ps2. Im enjoying that along with my other two home consoles wii and xbox 360.


well im an ass i said i would be posting two reviews a MONTH ago.
Yes i did get an xbox 360 and im lovin' the hell out of it.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


in october i might be getting a Xbox 360, a review of prince of Persia rival swords on the wii and a review for bully coming soon (next monday possibly)

see ya later!